Wildflower planting

Wild Flower Planting Scheme!!

Anglian Water are offering a volunteering activity on Monday 14th November in the village.

Any interested parties are to meet in the village hall car park at 9-45am for a 10-00 am start. Volunteers will need sturdy footwear and clothes that are hard wearing. Golves and eye protection will be provided.

Volunteers will be using gardening equipment and full training for health and safety and risk assessments will be talked through on the day, with print outs to read.

Please contact the Clerk for more information clerk@newboroughandboroughfen-pc.gov.uk

Notices of Casual Vacancy

Please see attached the notices of casual vacancy for two seats on the Parish Council.

If you wish to know more about what being a Parish Councillor means and how to qualify, please get in touch with the Parish Clerk, Irene Healiss for more information.


Community Questionnaire

The Parish Council will be distributing questionnaires for you to have YOUR say on projects or improvements you would like to see in the village.

Cllrs will be trying very hard to deliver these to you all door-to-door and leaflets will be available at various collection points around Newborough such as Mandairs shop and the chemist.

A ‘dropoff’ box has now been left in the new telephone box book exchange with a 28th October deadline.


Information regarding flytipping in Peterborough can be found using the link below.

All flytipping should be reported to Peterborough City Council via the online form

Fly-tipping & littering – Peterborough City Council or by calling 01733 747474

It is also possible to use the fix my street link (below) as a flytipping reporting tool:-


New Jubilee Bench at Soke Road corner

Huge thanks to the ‘Newborough and Borough Fen Gardening Club’ for their kind donation towards our newly installed Jubilee bench at Soke Road corner.

The Council also have a ‘Lest We Forget’ bench which is due to arrive soon and will be positioned near to the memorial tree at the same location.

New telephone book exchange!!!

The Parish Council are pleased to introduce the new telephone box book exchange located at Soke Road corner!

Please feel free to borrow a book, or add to the collection in exchange.

This will be looked after and maintained by the Parish Council, with Cllr Kim Hill kindly checking the phone box regularly.

Two benches have been ordered for this location, and a kind donation from the Newborough and Borough Fen Gardening Club helped to fund the Platinum Jubilee bench (to arrive hopefully in the next few weeks.)

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the Clerk.

The Village Tribune – Sept/Oct edition 2022

Newborough and Borough Fen Parish Council are now featured in the Village Tribune, with local articles and community news.

Copies have been left at the village hall, The Bull pub, the new telephone box, the village chemist, Mandairs, the Cricket Club and many of the businesses located within the village. If you would like to have a hand delivered copy or are able to help with delivering this new magazine to residents door-to-door, please contact the Clerk.

New defibrillator and notice board at Milking Nook!

Parish Council maintained areas

Top of Peterborough Road

Eves Close (incl. small section on the corner of Eves Close)

School Road

Junction of Peterborough Road wth School Road

Opposite Church Dykes and sides

Sergeants Close

Frontage of no.29 Soke Road (Top Dyke)

Soke Road junction with St Martins Road

Corner of Soke Road and Guntons Road (area by the village sign)

Top of Williams Close

Hawthorne Close

Top of Guntons Road

Bull bank from the Bull pub to Peterborough Road

Decoy Road – outside the pub to the junction

Bus shelter/ post box

Cemetery (various areas)


General maintenance

Play Area – Fernie Close

Newborough Parish Council planning application at Fernie Close

Skate ramp
Please find the link below for the City Council planning portal regarding this planning application.

22/00463/FUL | Construction of a Skate Ramp | Open Space Fernie Close Newborough Peterborough