How to save money on your energy bills
Spring is on the way — but it’s still a good time to think about how you can save on your energy bills.
There are a number of schemes available through Peterborough City Council, including HUG – the Home Upgrade Grant — under which grants of up to £25,000 are available.
Homes where gas is not the main source of heating may be eligible if they have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F or G, and the household has either an annual total household income of £30,000 or less, or it receives a means-tested benefit
Measures include insulation, and low carbon heating measures such as Air Source Heat Pumps, solar PV panels and high heat retention storage heaters.
For more information telephone 0800 038 5737 or email
The council is also offering eligible residents a free energy advice service called LEAP (Local Energy Advice Partnership)
An appointment for a home visit by PCC can be made. They can offer advice and tips of saving energy and money on your energy bills and refer onwards to funding for check your tariff and potentially advise on installing energy-saving measures
For more information apply through Green Energy Switch
Telephone: 01733 646253